Password Safe Enterprise Server

Distributing the licence file to the clients

Distributing the licence file to the clients

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Distributing the licence file to the clients

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At installations of several clients we suggest the automatic activation. For this you have got different possibilities.


License files in the installation directory

For this just copy the license file psr7.lic to the installation directory of PASSWORD SAFE. At the start the license is then found and used automatically.




Since Password Safe writes the names of the single computers into the license file, it is necessary that all users have got writing access to the file psr6.lic. In the standard installation folders (e.g.: C:/programs/) there is no writing access.



License file in the documents folder

You can store the license file in the documents folder, too. Note that the file must be named psr7.lic. The license will be automatically found when starting the client.


Allocate license files via environment variables

There is the possibility to make the license file available in a network share. In order that the clients can find the file, it is pointed out per environment variable PSR_LICENCE_FILE. Enter the complete path including file name here. Then the license file is loaded from that place.


How to configure the Windows environment variables:


- Open the system properties (Advanced system settings)

- Click on „environment variables…“ (below)




- Configure the necessary variable in the next step. Click on “new” to start the variable.



Allocate license file via the Registry Mode

Another possibility to allocate the license file ist the registry mode. A white paper about that can be found on the following link: Password Safe Registry Mode