Import from Version 4

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The import PSX backup from Version 4 is only possible to a new database.


How to upgrade from v4 to v5


Export a backup in PSX format in Version 4 via the menu item "file" -> "export". For the Personal Edition this is only possible with Version 4.6.0.
Install the new Version 5. The old Version 4 can remain installed until you do not need it anymore. Both versions run simultaneously on one computer without problems. Version 4 can easily be uninstalled later on.
Create a new database in Version 5 and directly import the backup of Version 4 in the database assistant. The data will be directly imported and migrated to the new database. Afterwards you can log on the newly created database.
Because of the new data format and the new application identification (autom. password entry from Standard Edition on) the installed applications should be verified (menu "edit" -> "applications").




Please note that at an upgrade to version 5 a new license is needed in every case. If you do not own a license for version 5 yet you can order it in our online shop (or also per fax for companies and agencies +49 700 22556234). Without license the import is not possible, because the demo version has been limited to 20 records.