Password Safe and Repository



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In the array "safety"  you can choose and configure settings, which you think are safety relevant. Due to the combination of different settings in combination with the safety zones you can configure the maximum safety per zone.



Lock database at anergic state after

If this option is activated the database will be locked after the configured time. The anergic state hereby directs to the system anergic state, that means the absence of the workstation.


Disconnect database at anergic state after

This  option includes that Password Safe disconnects the connection to the database after the expiration of the set time.


Hide passwords and protected data

Passwords, as well as form fields marked as protected will always be displayed protected (hidden) after activating this option. Via the list menu "lock icon" the data can be shown or hidden. The data can also be shown with the space bar (quick view).


Hide automatically at anergic state after

If this option is activated the data will be shown protected, hidden after the configured time.


Hide data with exact character length

By activating this option protected data are hidden with the exact character length. If this option is deactivated the data is always hidden with a character length of 10 characters. A conclusion to the length of the password is therefore not possible.


Hide passwords and data in the quick view

With this option you can hide the data when calling up quick view (space bar). The data will be dumped unprotected in the quick view by default.


Hide detail array when it`s locked

If the detail array is for example locked due to the logbook setting "view/open", the detail array can be completely hidden with this option.


Minimize automatically at anergic state

If this option is activated Password Safe minimizes automatically at anergic state after the configured time.


Minimize automatically at user change

Password Safe will be automatically minimized at a user change.


Minimize automatically at Standby or idle state

Password Safe will automatically be minimized at Standby or idle state of the computer.


Lock databases after automatic minimizing

If this option is activated the database will be automatically locked if Password Safe is minimized automatically for example at anergic state or user change.


Lock databases after minimizing

By activating this function the database will be locked after every minimizing