Password Safe and Repository

SMTP mail

SMTP mail

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SMTP mail

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In the task SMTP mail you can find the following menu in the settings:




Host name: Enter the name of the mail server here

Port: Port of the mail server

Sender: E-mail address of the sender

Recipient: E-mail address of the recipient

Authentication: Select standard, none oder SASL here, according to the configuration of your mail server

User: User with which it should be logged in at the mail server

Password: User password for the login at the mail server

Subject: Subject in the e-mail that should be sent

E-mail: Here you can enter the text of the e-mail that should be sent. Via the pushbutton HTML reports you can also integrate different reports to the e-mail:




According to the desired report different variables are taken on the e-mail:


Broken seals:                            {Rep:BrockenSealsHTML}                

Expired passwords:                    {Rep:ExpiredPasswordsHTML}                

Soon expiring passwords:        {Rep:ExpiresPasswordsHTML}                

Password logbook entries:        {Rep:PasswordLogsHTML}                

Database overview:                   {Rep:DatabaseOverviewHTML}


The variable can of course also be combined with a free text. You can find further information under the example examplel SMTP mail.