Password Safe and Repository

Usage scenarios

Usage scenarios

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Usage scenarios

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Password Safe enables you the central management of passwords, identities, license data, customer data and other important information. Due to the many practical features the management of safety critical data is made much easier for you. The high flexibility enables to adapt Password Safe to your individual work environment so that also complex processes can be carried out easily.


In this chapter we want to introduce to you four typical application scenarios in order to relieve the introduction to Password Safe for you.



Scenario IT sector

With structures getting more complex in the company the issue of safety gets more and more relevant. The work of the system administrators is an important safety factor, because the configuration of firewalls, servers and accesses is a highly sensitive area of responsibility. Here Password Safe offers unbeatable advantages: It enables the authorization role-based up to dataset level.


Due to the integrated remote desktop connection as well as the automatic entry (SSO) the administrators can authenticate effectively with complex passwords. Furthermore Password Safe enables the use of the data for the automatic login with the user not being able to see the password.


Adaptable system tasks send emails periodically and inform the users about the up-to-dateness oft he data. For example email can be generated at the beginning of the week in which the expiring or expired passwords of the coming days are listed.



Scenario system house

Data management and data safety in system houses are highly complex areas of responsibility. This is not only about company-owned data, but first of all about the customers. Every customer has got individual data security specifications according to which the data and accesses have to be organized. This happens in highly encrypted databases.


For this Password Safe offers an efficient and safe possibility how to manage the highly encrypted data centrally. The adaptable data structure enables the capture of every kind of data: for example contact data or complex passowords, up to simple license files which can be loaded to the database.


If passwords are needed on location of the customer your employee has got the possibility to access the data via offline mode. Alternatively he/she can work with the WebViewer or with the USB stick. Every access to the customer data is recorded and can immediately be presented to the customer if requested. The central password management with Password Safe offers a flexible and safe work basis for highly encrypted databases.



Scenario bank

Banking houses are high safety areas concerning data. A specially high data encryption and its release only by authorized persons are standard here. By means of the “Password Safe and Repository Enterprise Edition” passwords can be digitized and managed safely. The password letters with out-dated passwords which are still used in banks today now belong to the past.


Our „seal system“ at the giving away of passwords is a „several eyes principle“ which enables a complete logging. According to the access the fetch of a password can only be made with a release defined before. The taking of a password must be reasoned with one or several digital signatures. Optionally a security administrator is informed via email when a seal is broken or certain passwords are opened.


Password Safe does not only increase data safety. Digital password management deskews safety structures in your company. This creates flexibility and efficiency.



Scenario company wide rollout

Every employee that works in the data system has to remember many passwords. The more complex the systems get the bigger the challenge gets not to forget one. Therefore you use handwritten memos, password documents saved on the desktop, or simple passwords. This is how a safety risk for the whole company is generated.


The right management integrated in Password Safe for example makes sure that employees can only access data for which they are authorized. In order to safe your system additionally, the master databases can be mirrored on an additional server instance, the „slave“. If the master drops out, the slave server takes over. Furthermore there is a time-controlled backup system with which the data can be reproduced quickly after a possible hardware breakdown. This is how safety becomes “multiple safety“. And by means of our „workflow system“ Password Safe can be adapted to your special safety requirements.


That is what we call individualized all-round safety: Your specially configured Password Safe protects your systems automatically and relieves your employees.