Password Safe and Repository



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Search in the displayed records

If this option is active, a new search will be carried out in the search results from the last search. This is very helpful if you want to further refine the search results.


Display favourites on the home page

This option enables you to display all of the records marked as favourites directly on the home page.


Automatically adjust the window to the size of the form

When a record is opened, the size of the window (depending on the form stored in the system) is adjusted so that all of the records can be displayed.


Automatic password entry (autofill)

When calling up a website or application, the access data are automatically entered.


Automatically offer the favicon from the URL as a record icon

When a record is manually entered, you are offered the opportunity to use the favicon from the website as a record icon.


Setting up an RDP connection by double clicking

If this option has been activated, an RDP connection will be setup by double clicking on a record. In the selection field, you can define how this connection will be setup. Please note that the record can only be opened for editing via the context menu in this case.


Download the favicon without enquiry

When a record is manually entered, the favicon from the website is used as the record icon without you being asked first.