Password Safe and Repository

Event seal

Event seal

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Event seal

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This action gives you the possibility to seal all events which are available in the workflow system. Here the event will be sealed in the moment in which you save the workflow. Here you have got all possibilities which the seal system offers. If the accordant event is opened again after the breaking of the seal you have the possibility to delete the broken seal or set it again. You can find further information on that under seal.


Seal Specify the seal




The event open before logbook has been sealed. That means the user has to break a seal first, before he/she can open the logbook. If any releases are deposited in the sealing template, they have to be required in advance. After the seal is broken the user has got exclusive access to the logbook. If the user closes the logbook and opens it again, he/she gets the possibility to seal it again.


Here you can find an example for the configuration of the seal on a folder: Workflow examples