Password Safe and Repository

Single user database

Single user database

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Single user database

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In this chapter it is explained how to create a new singleuser database step by step


Via the toolbar, or via the menu file -> set up database account you can call up database assistants




btnDBWizard Database assistant: Start a new database or an existing database.


The database assistant starts with the welcome window




After a click on continue you can decide if you want to configure an existing database or create a new database. For a new start just click on continue




In the next step you define which type of database should be created. The singleuser database can only be accessed by one user at a time while the multiuser database enables 20 users to access the database simultaneously. The Enterprise database can not be selected here because it is directly created at the server.




Now give the database a significant name. In this example we decided for "PSR-Database"




It is important to select the an appropriate storage location for the database. Please notice that you need the write privileges in the accordant directory. This is not the case in the program directory. The document directory is suggested to you by default. However, we decide for an own folder on the hard disk D:, which has the name "database"




In the next step you define how you want to secure the database from foreign access. This can be made with a password, a password file or a combination of both. Please notice that you can not access the database if you forget the password or if the password file is deleted. We decide for the protection via password and click on continue




Now the password has to be entered and confirmed. Under password quality you can see how hard your password is to guess. For your security the password should be at least 12 characters and exist of capital and small letters as well as of numeric characters and ideally special characters.





The database password should offer as much security as possible but should also be easy to remember, so that you do not forget it. Create the password for example by using the initial letters of a sentence you can easily remember. "From now on I only want to use safe passwords for my PC" is Fno1owtuspfmP (additionally I has been replaced by 1 here)


After a click on continue you can select the language of the database. Alternatively you can also import a backup (for example from an older version)




In the last step please click on finish

