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PsrApiExceptionCode Enumeration

Errors that happen in Password Safe are marked with an exception code.

Namespace:  PsrApi
Assembly:  PsrApi (in PsrApi.dll) Version: (14.03.2022)
public enum PsrApiExceptionCode
  Member nameValueDescription
None0 ExceptionCode is not necessary or undefined
TransactionCompleteError1 Transaction failed
ConnectionErrorNoClientInfo2 WCF connection without sufficient client information
DataManipulation3 Database manipulation
ConnectionNotSecured4 Insecure connection to server
LoginCanceled5 Login aborted
NoChangesDetected6 No alteration of MtoData object detected
TestMailCouldNotBeSent7 Test message (SMTP mail) could not be sent
UpdateServerNotAvailable8 Update system unreachable
UnsupportedEntityObjectType9 Object type not supported
ActionCanceled10 Action aborted by user
CsvParseError11 Error reading the CSV file
CurrentUserKeyNotInitialized12 Connection.CurrentUserKey wurde noch nicht initialisiert.
TimeStampToSmall13 Das Datumsfeld eines MtoDatas ist zu klein.
TimeStampToBig14 Das Datumsfeld eines MtoDatas ist zu groß.
ValidTimeStampToSmall15 Das Gültigkeits-Datumsfeld eines MtoDatas ist zu klein.
ValidTimeStampToBig16 Das Gültigkeits-Datumsfeld eines MtoDatas ist zu groß.
NotAllowedBecauseOfSimpleMode17 Aktion ist nicht erlaubt, weil der Client im Simple-Modus ist
LoginWrongPassword18 Wrong password while logging in
ErrorGeneratingOtp19 Error while generating a OTP
DatabaseIsDeactivated100 Database is deactivated and has to be activated using PsrServerAdmin
DatabaseIsOutdatedOrValueNotImplemented101 Value was not recognized by the database / value not found
NoDefaultDatabaseServerConfig102 No default database server found
DatabaseAlreadyExists103 Database already exists
DatabaseExistsAndNotEmpty104 Database already exists and is not empty
DatabaseNotRegistered105 Database does not exist on AdminClient
DatabaseLogsCouldNotBeLoadedReasonTimeout106 Logs could not be loaded because of a timeout
DirectoryRootNotValid500 Invalid file path (e.g. invalid hard drive character)
NoMoreNewLoginsAllowedBecauseLicenseUserCountExhausted9000 No more users can be created because number of currently logged in users has reached the licence limit
LicenseMustBeActivated9001 Licence needs to be activated
LicenseIsInvalid9002 License is not valid (any more?)
NoMoreNewUsersAllowedBecauseLicenseUserCountExhausted9003 No more users can be created because number of exisiting users has reached the licence limit
LicenseActivationFailed9004 Licence could not be activated
CantActivateLicenseUserCountExhausted9005 User can not be activated due to insufficient user licences
OfflineLicenseAlreadyActivated9006 Offline licence is already activated
LicenseActivationAlreadyExists9007 Can not be activated because it is already activated (needs to be deactivated first)
LicenseModuleUnavailable9008 This function is not available due to insuffienct module licensing
OrganisationUnitGroupNameTooLong10001 Group name too long
OrganisationUnitUserNoName10002 Empty user name
OrganisationUnitUserNameTooLong10003 User name too long
OrganisationUnitUserNoPassword10004 No user password
OrganisationUnitUserFirstNameTooLong10005 First name too long
OrganisationUnitUserLastNameTooLong10006 Last name too long
OrganisationUnitUserDuplicateUserName10007 User name already exists
OrganisationUnitUserAdminCreationError10008 Administrator could not be created
OrganisationUnitUserDelCurrentUser10009 The registered user can not be deleted
OrganisationUnitUserCheckHashValidationError10010 User hash check failed (password check) The
OrganisationUnitUserDeactivationDateTooFarInFuture10011 The given deactivation date does not lie within the next 20 years
OrganisationUnitUserNoMail10012 Empty mail (e.g. for forwarding config)
OrganisationUnitGroupNotChangeableBecauseIsActiveDirectoryData10013 This group can not be edited because it originates from the Active Directory
OrganisationUnitUserNotChangeableBecauseIsActiveDirectoryData10014 This user can not be edited because it originates from the Active Directory
OrganisationUnitInsufficientRights10015 Insufficient rights for this organisation unit
OrganisationUnitUserDuplicateActiveDirectoryObjektId10016 A user with this Active Directory id already exists
OrganisationUnitGroupDuplicateActiveDirectoryObjektId10017 A group with this Active Directory id already exists
OrganisationUnitUserMasterKeyChangeImageNotAllowed10018 Pictures of Master Keys can not be changed
OrganisationUnitUserDoesNotExist10019 This user does not exist
OrganisationUnitGroupDoesNotExist10020 This group does not exist
OrganisationUnitUserMustBeFromActiveDirectory10021 The user must originate from the Active Directory
OrganisationUnitGroupMustBeFromActiveDirectory10022 The organisation unit must originate from the Active Directory
OrganisationUnitGroupNoName10023 Empty group name
OrganisationUnitUserCannotChangeMasterKeyUserPassword10024 Passwords of AD Master Key users can not be changed
OrganisationUnitImportInvalidType10025 Invalid type while importing an OU
OrganisationUnitCantChangeUserType10026 The type of the user cannot be changed
OrganisationUnitCantResetSecondFactorForOwnUser10027 The user cannot reset his own second factor via organisation unit module
ClientPlausiGroupNameEmpty11001 The group name must not be empty.
ClientPlausiParentOrganisationUnitIsSameAsThisUnit11002 The parent organizational unit must not be equal to this organizational unit
ClientPlausiParentOrganisationUnitIsSameAsSubUnit11003 The parent organizational unit must not be equal to a sub organizational unit
ClientPlausiFirstNameIsEmpty11005 The first name must not be empty
ClientPlausiLastNameIsEmpty11006 The last name must not be empty
ClientPlausiLastUserNameIsEmpty11007 The user name must not be empty
ClientPlausiPasswordIsTooLong11008 The password must not exceed the length of 50 characters
ClientPlausiPasswordDoesNotMatchConfirmation11009 The password and password confirmation are not equal
ClientPlausiGoogleAuthenticatorIdentityContainsInvalidChars11010 UserIdentity contains illegal chars. Only letters, numbers and _-. are allowed
ClientPlausiMultifactorAuthAuthenticatorAlreadyExists11011 Tried to view AddAuthenticator, even though an AddAuthenticator already exists with this AuthType
ClientPlausiMultifactorAuthUserHasAlreadyOneAuthenticator11012 Multiple authenticators per user are currently not állowed yet
ClientPlausiReportQueryConfingMustNotBeNull11013 Cannot create a Report-System-Task with an empty Query-Config
ClientPlausiActiveDirectorySyncProfileMustNotBeNull11014 The selected Active Directory profile has not been set in the SystemTask configuration
ClientPlausiReportQueryConfigCouldNotSave11015 The server returns null when saving a report
ClientPlausiMailIsEmpty11016 The email must not be empty.
ClientPlausiUserInvalid11101 User is invalid
ClientPlausiGroupInvalid11102 Group is invalid
ClientPlausiStringEmpty11103 String is empty
ClientPlausiNewFormularMustNotBeNull11104 Error while changing form: No new form selected
ClientPlausiFieldInvalidMail11105 The email address is invalid
ContainerNameTooLong20001 Container name too long
ContainerDublicateItemName20002 Duplicate container item names
ContainerDublicateItemPos20003 Duplicate container item position
ContainerItemNoName20004 Nameless Container item
ContainerItemNameTooLong20005 Container item name is too long
ContainerItemNoValue20006 Missing item value
ContainerItemMinLength20007 Plausibility: minimum length
ContainerItemMaxLength20008 Plausibility: maximum length
ContainerItemAllowedChars20009 Plausibility: allowed characters
ContainerItemRegex20010 Plausibility: regex
ContainerItemRegexEmail20011 Plausibility: regex e-mail
ContainerItemRegexUrl20012 Plausibility regex URL
ContainerItemRegexIp20013 Plausibility regex ip
FormularNoName20014 Missing form name
DocumentNoName20015 Missing document name
PasswordNoName20016 Missing password name
FormularNameTooLong20017 Form name too long
DocumentNameTooLong20018 Document name too long
ItemSecretNoReason20019 No given reason for taking a Secret
ContainerItemRegexPhone20020 Plausibility: regex phone
FormularNoItems20021 Form does not contain any items
FormularNoItemTypeText20022 Form does not conatin any text items
ContainerItemPolicyLength20023 Value is longer than allowed by the policy
ContainerItemPolicyUpper20024 Value contains upper case letters
ContainerItemPolicyLower20025 Value contains lower case letters
ContainerItemPolicyNumbers20026 Value contains numbers
ContainerItemPolicySpecials20027 Value contains special characters
ContainerItemPolicySpace20028 Value contains blank characters
ContainerItemPolicySimilarChars20029 Value contains similar characters
ContainerItemPolicyForbiddenChar20030 Value contains forbidden characters
ContainerItemPolicyForbiddenSpecialChar20031 Value contains a forbidden special character
ContainerItemPolicyForbiddenPassword20032 Value is a forbidden password
ContainerItemDateValueTooSmall20033 Value is too short for a date item
ContainerItemDateValueTooBig20034 Value is too long for a date item
ContainerPasswordHasProtectedItems20035 The password contains protected items
ContainerItemPasswordIsProtected20036 The password field is protected
PasswordIsNotSecureableLegitimatesNotInEqualSecureState20037 The password field could not be protected
NotAllPasswordsHaveSameItemTypesAndCount20038 During form change multiple passwords can be selected per multi-select. If not all of these have the same container item types and the same amount of items, this error code is used
ContainerNotFound20039 The container was not found
FormularExchangeInsufficientRights20040 Insuffient rights to change at least one form field
ContainerItemIsNotProtectable20041 Protection of this form field is forbidden
ContainerItemUsePolicy20042 The policy to be deleted is used by a container item
ContainerHasNoTextItems20043 Container has no text items
FormularExchangeInsufficientFormularRights20044 Insuffient rights to the password form during form change
ContainerItemSecretRestrictiveUserError20045 Restrictive user can not request encrypted values
FormularExchangeInsufficientPasswordRights20046 Insuffient rights to the password during form change
PasswordIsSealed20047 The password is sealed
ContainerItemRegexComplete20048 Plausibility: regex complete
ContainerItemRegexHostName20049 Plausibility: regex host name
ContainerItemNoItemType20050 The container item has no item type (which is checked during form import for example)
ContainerItemImportInvalidFieldCount20051 Invalid number of form field properties
ContainerItemImportInvalidBeginEndSignCount20052 The counts of start and end characters to break up the form fields differ, which makes form field imports impossible
NoDefaultForm20053 No default form configured
InvalidDefaultFormSetting20054 Defauld form configuration is invalid (Value could not be parsed to GUID)
DefaultFormNotFound20055 Configured default form not found (maybe no read right or deleted)
ContainerItemRevealWrongLogbookEvent20056 Wrong logbook event used
PasswordDuplicatePasswordReset20057 Password that should be duplicated is connected with Password Reset
PasswordDuplicateSealed20058 Password that should be duplicated is sealed
PasswordDuplicateProtected20059 Password that should be duplicated is protected
PasswordDuplicateTemporaryRights20060 Password that should be duplicated has temporary permissions
ContainerItemOtpMustBeBase32Encoded20061 Container items of type OTP must have a base 32 encoded value
ContainerItemRegexInvalid20062 Regex is invalid
DocumentUploadFailedSizeTooBig20063 The document is too big
RightNoCurrentOrganisationUnit30001 No current organisation units available
RightCloneContainerNoItemRights30002 No rights to container item in CloneContainer function
RightInsufficientRight30003 Insufficient rights
RightInsufficientOwnerRight30004 Insufficient owner rights
RightLastObjektRight30005 Last object right can not be deleted
RightTemplateNameTooLong30006 The right template name is too long
RightSaveContainerRightsFailed30007 One or more rights to the container could not be saved
RightOnlyReadRightAllowed30008 Only read-right allowed
RightRightKeyNotAllowed30009 Right key not allowed
RightAllUserVisibiliyNotAllowd30010 All users visibilty not allowed
RightNoKey30011 User does not own a right key
RightNoAddRight30012 No rights to create new objects
RightCannotOverwriteRights30013 No rights to overwrite rights
RightLastObjektRightKey30014 The last object right key can not be deleted
RightKeyMissing30015 Missing right key
RightEntitle30016 Berechtigen Recht fehlt Missing "authorise" right
NoUserRightToExport30017 No user right for import
UserNeedReadRight30018 At least one "read" right is required
NoExportDataRight30019 No export right to a MtoData
RightNoDatabaseAdmin30020 No database administrator
NoRightsOnAnyContainerItem30021 No rights on any ContainerItem
RightNoDeleteFinallyRight30022 No rights to permanently delete an object
RightNoVisibilityRight30023 No rights to view the view in which the operation was performed
NoPrintDataRight30024 No print rights on a MtoData
NoUserRightToImport30025 No user rights for importing
RightTemporaryCannotSetOwnerRight30026 Recht ist temporär, Besitzerrecht kann nicht gesetzt werden
RightOwnerRightCannotMakeTemporary30027 Right has a user right and can not be set temporary
NoUserRightToPrint30028 No user right for printing
RightInsufficientCantSharePrivatePassword30029 User permission missing for sharing private passwords
RightInsufficientUserRight30030 User permission missing
RightCantEditMasterKeyObjekt30031 Permissions of AD Master Key users and roles cannot be edited
UserTemporaryRightOnHimself30032 The user cannot have a temporary permission on himself
RightCouldNotAddPrivateData30033 Der Benutzer darf keine privaten Datensätze anlegen
RightCannotSetOwnerRightOnOtherUsersOrRoles30035 Owner right cannot be set on other users and roles of which the user is not member of
RightCantRemoveMembershipFromOwnUser30036 Membership / DataRightKey cannot be removed from own user
RoleNameTooLong40001 Role name is too long
RoleNameEmpty41002 Role name is empty
RoleNotChangeableBecauseIsActiveDirectoryData41003 The role can not be edited because it originates from the Active Directory
RoleDuplicateActiveDirectoryObjektId41004 A user with this Active Directory object Id already exists
RoleDoesNotExist41005 The role doesn't exist
RoleMustBeFromActiveDirectory10021 The role must originate from the Active Directory
TagNotFound50001 Tag not found
TagInUse50002 Tag is in use
TagNameEmpty50003 Tag name is empty or null
TagNameTooLong50004 Tag name is too long
SealNoName60001 Seal name
SealNameTooLong60002 Seal name is too long
SealNoKeyLegitimate60003 Seal: no key
SealNoKeys60004 Seal: no key
SealTooFewRequiredKeys60005 Seal: too few required keys
SealPrivatePublicKeyMissing60006 Seal: private / public key incomplete
SealCurrendOrganisationUnitCantEdit60007 Current organisation unit can not edit the seal
SealReleaseNoDescription60008 No release description given
SealReleaseNoKey60009 No key for the release
SealTooFewRequiredReleases60010 The seal has too few required releases configured
SealCantRequestSealKey60011 The current user can not request this seal key
SealReleaseNoReleaseId60012 No id created for a release
SealReleaseBroken60013 Seal is already broken, request is not possible
SealTemplateNameTooLong60014 Seal template is too long
SealTemplateTooFewRequiredKeys60015 Seal template has too few keys
SealTemplateNoLegitimate60016 Seal template without legitimates
SealTemplateTooFewRequiredLegitimates60017 Too few legitimates who have to accept
SealCurrentUserNeedSealKey60018 Current user has no seal key configured
SealRequestNotEnoughKeyReleasesCreated60019 Not enough seal releases could be created
SealNotBrokenCurrently60020 Seal has not been broken yet (SSO-Client)
SealReleaseUpdateCurrendUserNotAllowed60021 The current user cannot edit his own release
SealNotFound60022 The seal was not found
SealDataNotFound60023 The sealed password was not found
TagNameAlreadyTaken61001 The tag name is already taken for another tag and must be unique
ForwardingConfigNoDataTypesSelected61200 No data types selected, for which forwarding rule should apply
ForwardingConfigNoTriggerReasonSelected61201 No trigger reason selected, for which forwarding rule should apply
ForwardingConfigNoTraceCategorySelected61202 No trace catergory selected, for which forwarding rule should apply
ForwardingConfigNoName61203 No name
FileNoFileHandle70001 No file handle found
ActiveDirectoryErrorName80001 ActiveDirectory name
ActiveDirectoryErrorUserDomain80002 ActiveDirectory user fomain
ActiveDirectoryErrorUserName80003 ActiveDirectory user name
ActiveDirectoryErrorUserPassword80004 ActiveDirectory user password
ActiveDirectoryErrorCreateUser80005 ActiveDirectory - Method for creating a new AD user
ActiveDirectoryErrorCreateOrganizationalUnit80006 ActiveDirectory - Method for creating a new AD organisation unit
ActiveDirectoryErrorUpdateUserPassword80007 ActiveDirectory - Method for changing the password of an existing AD user
ActiveDirectoryErrorAddPictureToUser80008 ActiveDirectory - Method for adding an image to an existing AD user
ActiveDirectoryErrorDeleteObject80009 ActiveDirectory - Method for deleting objects out of the AD
ActiveDirectoryErrorCheckConnection80010 ActiveDirectory - Method for checking whether the connection is successful
ActiveDirectoryErrorNoMasterKeyUser80011 MasterKey mode without responsible user
ActiveDirectoryErrorMasterKeyModeSwitch80012 Masterkey mode can not be changed
ActiveDirectoryErrorGettingActiveDirectoryObject80013 No valid object returned from the Active Directory
ActiveDirectoryErrorProfileUnknown80014 Unknown profile
ActiveDirectoryProfileNameMustNotBeEmpty80015 AD profile name can not be empty
ActiveDirectoryProfileUserNameMustNotBeEmpty80016 AD profile user name can not be empty
ActiveDirectoryProfileUserDomainMustNotBeEmpty80017 AD profile domain name can not be empty
ActiveDirectoryProfileUserPasswordMustNotBeEmpty80018 AD profile user password can not be empty
ActiveDirectoryProfileDuplicateName80019 AD profile name already exists
ActiveDirectoryCrossProfileUsageNotAllowedMtoUser80020 The profile assignment of a user can not be changed If a ActiveDirectoryProfileId has been set, the user can not be imported by or synchronized with another profile
ActiveDirectoryCrossProfileUsageNotAllowedMtoGroup80021 The profile assignment of a group can not be changed If a ActiveDirectoryProfileId has been set, the group can not be imported by or synchronized with another profile
ActiveDirectoryCrossProfileUsageNotAllowedMtoRole80022 The profile assignment of a role can not be changed If a ActiveDirectoryProfileId has been set, the role can not be imported by or synchronized with another profile
ActiveDirectoryProfileImpossibleToAddMasterKey80023 A profile could not be created in master key mode because the power shell execution failed and no server key / master key could be created
ActiveDirectoryInvalidData80024 The MtoData object is not a valid Active Directory object
ActiveDirectoryProfileDeleteDeniedUsersConnected80025 This Active Directory profile can not be deleted because one or more users are still connected to it
ActiveDirectoryProfileDeleteDeniedGroupsConnected80026 This Active Directory profile can not be deleted because one or more groups are still connected to it
ActiveDirectoryProfileDeleteDeniedRolesConnected80027 This Active Directory profile can not be deleted because one or more roles are still connected to it
ActiveDirectoryMissingDetailInformations80028 Missing detailed information of an AD object
ActiveDirectoryUnsupportedObjectType80029 The AD object type is not supported for importing / synchronisation
ActiveDirectoryImportSyncOrProfileUpdateStillRunning80030 A Active Directory import/sync or a profile update is already running
ActiveDirectoryObjectTypeNotSupportedByImportAndSync80031 The Active Directory object tpye is not supported by import and synchronisation
ActiveDirectoryArgumentException80032 ArgumentException during Active Directory query
ActiveDirectoryProfileMasterKeyUserFromAdNotAllowed80033 Active Directory users can not be selected as MasterKeyUser(Id) in an Active Directory profile
ActiveDirectoryCheckConnectionLoadingProfileFailed80034 Failed loading the AD profile during connection test
ActiveDirectoryCheckConnectionDecryptPasswordFailed80035 Password decryption from certificate store failed during connection test
ActiveDirectoryCheckConnectionAdConnectionFailed80036 Connection to Active Directory failed during connection test
ActiveDirectoryCurrentProfileNotFound80037 Current profile could not be found during profile change
ActiveDirectoryNewProfileNotFound80038 New profile could not be found during profile change
ActiveDirectoryCurrentProfileMustBeMasterKeyMode80039 The current profile must be of type MasterKey mode
ActiveDirectoryNewProfileMustBeMasterKeyMode80040 The new profile must be of type MasterKey mode
ActiveDirectoryNewProfileMustNotBeEqualToCurrentProfile80041 The new profile must not match the current profile during profile change
ActiveDirectoryLdapFilterInvalid80042 The LDAP filter string is invalid
ActiveDirectoryProfileServerKeyIdMissing80043 The MasterKey mode profile's ServerKeyId is missing
ActiveDirectoryProfileChangeInsufficientRightsCurrentProfile80044 Insufficient rights to the current profile
ActiveDirectoryProfileChangeInsufficientRightsNewProfile80045 Insufficient rights to the new profile
ActiveDirectoryNewProfileMustBeEndToEndMode80046 The new profile must be of type end-to-end during profile change
ActiveDirectoryProfileChangeCurrentUserNotMasterKeyUser80047 The current user is not the AD Master Key user
ActiveDirectoryProfileErrorAdditionalUserDomains80048 The field 'AdditionalUserDomain' of the Active Directory profile is invalid
ActiveDirectoryErrorNoMasterKeyUserRights80049 Missing rights to the Master Key user
ActiveDirectoryDataInformationsNotChangeable80050 Information stemming from the Active Directory must not be altered Users, organisation units and roles are affected For example user name, first name, last name, phone number etc. for a user
ActiveDirectoryReactivationImpossible80051 It's not possible to activate an AD object (user/organisation unit/role) because it belongs to a different AD profile
ActiveDirectoryMtoDataUnknown80052 A MtoData could not be found during import / synchronisation
ActiveDirectoryInsufficientProfileRights80053 Insufficient rights to the Active Directory Profile
ActiveDirectorySendCredentialsViaEmailFailed80054 Failed to send the access data
ActiveDirectoryLocalProfileId80055 Organisation unit is local
ActiveDirectoryAdProfileId80056 Organistaion Unit is AD
ActiveDirectoryDifferentProfileId80057 Differing AD profile id
ActiveDirectoryProfileInsufficientRightsToLegitimateMasterKeyUser80058 Missing rights to authorise the AD profile user
ActiveDirectoryReactivationNotPossibleBecauseOldProfileIsDeletedMtoUser80059 The user can not be reactivated because the old profile was deleted
ActiveDirectoryReactivationNotPossibleBecauseOldProfileIsDeletedMtoGroup800560 The organisation unit can not be reactivated because the old profile was deleted
ActiveDirectoryReactivationNotPossibleBecauseOldProfileIsDeletedMtoRole80061 The role can not be reactivated because the old profile was deleted
ActiveDirectoryReactivationOnlyPossibleWithMasterKeyModeProfile80062 Reactivation is only possible with a Master Key profile
ActiveDirectorySynchronisationNotConfigurableInEndToEndMode80063 Synchronization is not configurable in end-to-end mode
ActiveDirectoryProfileAdditionalLegitimateUserFromAdNotAllowed80064 A responsible user configured in the Active Directory profile must not stem from the Active Directory
ActiveDirectoryProfileAdditionalLegitimateRoleFromAdNotAllowed80065 A responsible role configured in the Active Directory profile must not stem from the Active Directory
ActiveDirectoryProfileAdditionalLegitimateOfInvalidObjectType80066 A invalid type was configured as responsible entity of the Active Directory profile
ActiveDirectoryProfileNoExecuteRight80067 The user must not start an import or synchronization of an Active Directory profile
ActiveDirectoryProfileNoResponsibleUserChangeRight80068 Only responsible entities may change responsible entities
SystemTaskNameTooLong90001 System task name is too long
SystemTaskNameEmpty90002 Missing system task name
SystemTaskErrorOfflineViewType90100 Missing rights to System Task Offline Viewer
SystemTaskErrorReportType90101 Missing rights on report-system task
SystemTaskDiscoverServiceCredentialContainerNull90102 The container for a SystemTask of type 'network-scan' is null
SystemTaskIntervalConfigurationInvalid90103 The interval configuration is invalid
SystemTaskCannotBeExcecuted90104 The system task can not be executed, e.g. because it is not active or because the server is not allowed to execute it, or another PsrServer is currently managing the execution
SystemTaskDiscoverServiceIpAddressInvalid90105 The IP address of a Discovery Service system task is invalid
SystemTaskDiscoverServiceSubnetMaskInvalid90106 The subnet mask of a Discovery Service system task is invalid
SystemTaskDiscoverServiceDomainEmpty90107 The domain name of a Discovery Service system task is empty
SystemTaskDiscoverServiceIpFromInvalid90108 The start IP address of a Discovery Service system task is invalid
SystemTaskDiscoverServiceIpToInvalid90109 The end IP address of a Discovery Service system task is invalid
SystemTaskActiveDirectoryMasterKeyUserNotAllowed90110 Master key users must not add the system task
ApplicationNameTooLong100001 Application name is too long
ApplicationNoName100002 Missing application name
ApplicationRecordDeleteNoRight100003 Application record can not be deleted
ApplicationNoApplicationType100004 Missing application type
ApplicationMtoRdpSettingsCountInvalid100005 Invalid number of rdp settings
ApplicationMtoSshSettingsCountInvalid100006 Invalid number of ssh settings
ApplicationSsoConfigCountInvalid100007 Invalid number of sso config elements
ApplicationSsoImportInvalidSsoConfigBeginEndSignCount100008 The counts of start and end characters to break up the sso config items dffer, which makes sso config item imports impossible
ApplicationInvalidClickPosition100009 The clicking position of a sso config item is invalid
ApplicationWebConfigCountInvalid100010 invalid number of web config elements
ApplicationSsoConfigInvalidApplicationRegex100011 Invalid regex in "Application".
ApplicationSsoCannotStartInvalidApplicationPath100012 Application could not be started because the file was not found on application path
ApplicationMtoSamlSettingsCountInvalid100013 Invalid number of SAML settings
ApplicationMustNotConnectSamlWithPasswords100014 SAML applications must not be connected with passwords
ApplicationWebMustContainsUrl100015 Web applications must have a name
ConnectionToServerDown110001 Connection to server failed
SessionLostPleaseLoginAgain110002 Session expired, client needs to log in again
ServerIsInMigrationModeOnlyLocalConnectionsAllowed110003 Server is in migration mode and therefore only allows local connections
ServerTimeDoesNotMatchClientTime110004 Server time does not match client time, no secure connections possible
ServerVersionTooOld110005 Server version is older than client version. The client must not be newer than the server. Server needs to be updated
ClientVersionTooOld110006 Client version is too old and doesn't match the server. Client needs to be updated.
ClientVersionStringCouldNotBeParsed110007 Client version string could not be converted to a Version
ConnectionBlockedByDatabaseFirewall110008 Connection blocked by database firewall
ServiceAlreadyUsed110009 Another instance of this server is already running
MobileAppConnectionBlockedByDatabaseSetting110010 Connection for mobile app blocked, because required database setting is not set.
CsrfTokenFailed110011 The CSRF token is invalid. The server time is available in the message.
SessionCredentialsBecameInvalid110012 The login credentials became invalid
LoginLockDateInThePast120001 The lock date is in the past
LoginLockNoReason120002 No given lock reason
LoginLockNoRightsToEditLocks120003 The logged user can not edit this lock
LoginLockCantEditOwnLock120004 You can not edit your own lock
LoginLockNoUser120005 No user selected
LoginLockNoDatabaseAdministrator120006 User is not a database admin
ServerKeyNameTooLong130001 Server key name is too long
ServerKeyErrorCreateCertificate130002 Server key certificate could not be created
ServerKeyDuplicateName130003 A server key with this name already exists
ServerKeyNoPkcs11Settings130004 No PKCS11 settings found
ServerKeyNoPkcs11Pin130005 No PKCS11 PIN
ServerKeyMissing130006 Missing server key
ServerKeyPublicKeyMissing130007 The server key's public key is missing
ServerKeyCertificateMissing130008 The server key's certificate is missing
OptionNameTooLong140001 ListFilter name is too long
WebBrowserNotInstalled200001 Web browser was not found on the client system
InvalidEmailAddress200002 Invalid e-mail adress was used
FolderPathInvalid200003 Invalid folder path
FolderPathNoWriteAccess200003 No write access to folder path
ExportSignInvalid200004 A character entered into the export assistant is invalid
FilePathInvalid200005 Invalid file path
FilePathNoReadAccess200006 No read access to the file
DecryptSqlPasswordFailed200008 The SQL password from the registry could not be decrypted
SmtpConfigurationMissing200009 SMTP configuration is missing
WebClientUrlMissing200010 WebClient URL is missing
BaseConfigErrorCheckingSqlUserConnectionFailed200011 Check of the configured connection string failed
BaseConfigErrorCheckingSqlUserNoDbCreator200012 Check of configured SQL connection string: User is not DbCreator
BaseConfigErrorCheckingSqlUserNoDbOwner200013 Check of configured SQL connection string: User is not db_owner
PasswordResetNoName210001 No password reset name
PasswordResetNameTooLong210002 Password reset name is too long
PasswordResetDuplicatName210003 This name already exists
PasswordResetNoCredentialsContainerId210004 Password reset item without CredentialsContainerId
PasswordResetNoParentOu210005 No parent organisation unit selected
PasswordResetNoDataRight210005 Missing rights on the data record
PasswordResetNoResetUser210006 No responsible user
PasswordResetNoSciptItems210007 No script items
TemplateGroupNoName220001 Template group without name
TemplateGroupNameTooLong220002 Template group name is too long
MigrationUserCanceled230001 Migration aborted by user
MigrationInvalidActiveDirectoryProfile230002 There is an invalid AD profile
MigrationBackupVersionNotSupported230003 Backup is too old for migration to version 8
MigrationNoValidSmtpSettings230004 No valid SMTP configuration available
MigrationNoValidMail230005 At least one user has not defined an e-mail adress
MigrationNoValidAdministratorMail230006 No valid administrator adress for single user databases
MigrationObjectNotFinished230007 A new object has been started without closing the currently open object first
MigrationObjectNotOpened230008 An object is supposed to be closed, but it is not opened
MigrationInvalidMigrationUser230009 Migration user is invalid, for example because a user has the same user name
OldAdminPasswordWrong240001 Old admin password is incorrect
NoAdminConnection240002 No admin connection
PolicyPlausibilityError250001 Policy plausibility
PolicyNameTooLong250002 Policy name is too long
PolicyNameEmpty250003 The policy name must not be empty
PolicyLowerCaseRequired250004 Lowercase chars are required
PolicyUpperCaseRequired250005 UpperCase chars are required
PolicyNumbersRequired250006 Numbers are required.
PolicySpecialCharsRequired250007 Special chars are required
PolicyMoreCategoriesRequired250008 More categories required
PolicyNotAllowedPasswordUserName250009 The password is not allowed to contain usernames
PolicySimilarCharsNotAllowed250010 Similar chars are not allowed
PolicyNotAllowedPassword250011 The password contains a not allowed password
PolicyMinimumPasswordQualityNotExceeded250012 The minimum password quality was not exceeded
PolicyPasswordLengthTooShort250013 The password length is too short
PolicyNotAllowedChars250014 There are chars that are not allowed
PolicyCantDeleteInUse250015 Policy is still in use and can't be deleted, yet
PolicyPasswordNotValid250016 Password does not meet policy requirements
PolicyRemainingCategoryRequired250017 There is an unfulfilled category
PolicyRemainingCategoriesRequired250018 There are unfulfilled categories
PolicyPasswordLengthTooLong250019 Password is too long
PolicyMinimumPasswordQualityTooShort250020 The password quality length is too short
PolicyMinimumPasswordQualityTooLong250021 The password quality length is too long
ReportQueryConfigNameTooLong2501001 ReportQueryConfigName is too long
ReportQueryConfigNameEmpty2501002 ReportQueryConfigName is empty
FullBackupNotFound2502001 Complete backup for differential backup was not found
RestoreCanceled2502002 User clicked on "abort" when choosing the complete backup file
BackupPathSelectionNoVolumesFound2502003 No directory found during SQL path selection
GoogleAuthenticatorTimedOut251001 Google authenticator was aborted after x seconds
GoogleAuthenticatorIsNoValidTokencode251002 Invalid token code
CertificateThumbprintsDoNotMatch251003 The certicate stored for this user does not match the given finger print
CertificatePublicKeyNotRsa251004 The public key of the certificate is not of type RSACryptoServiceProvider
HashAlgorithmFromServerOptionsIsNotValid251005 The hash algorithm X set in the server options is invalid
CertificateSignedDataIsNotValid251006 The certificate-signed data is invalid
CertificateVerifyFailed251007 Invalid certificate
UnknownUserName251008 Unknown user name
TokenIsDisabledAndMustBeUnlocked251009 Token is deactivated and needs to be activated
PkiCertificateOrChainInvalid251010 Error during certificate check (certificate chain check inclusive)
RsaAuthenticationError251011 RSA authentication error
SafeNetAuthenticationError251012 SafeNet authentication error
RsaConfigInvalid251013 RSA configuration has fields without values
SafeNetConfigInvalid251014 SafeNet configuration has fields without values
RsaLoginFailed251015 RSA login failed
CouldNotFindRealm251016 No domain found
RsaUserNameCouldNotBeFound251017 User name was not found in RSA authentication manager
UnknownUserNameOrPassword251018 Unknown user name or password
NoUserCertificateSet251019 No user certificate set
UnknownError251020 Unknown error
RsaDeactivated251021 The RSA interface has been deactivated in the AdminClient
SafeNetDeactivated251022 The SafeNet interface has been deactivated in the AdminClient
SafeNetUserNameCouldNotBeFound251023 User name could not be found for SafeNet
YubicoAuthenticatorNoValidOtp251024 Yubico wrong OTP
YubicoDeactivated251025 The Yubico interface has been deactivated in the AdminClient
YubicoCouldNotConnectToYubikeyApi251026 Password Safe could not connect to the Yubikey API
NoMultifactorsAvailableForConfiguration251027 When the user has to configure a Mutli-Factor but there are no Mutli-Factors available (no configured ones in admin client)
ConfigureMultifactorIsNotAvailableAnymore251028 When the user has to configure a Mutli-Factor but there are no Mutli-Factors available (no configured ones in admin client)
UsersHaveThisMultifactorStillConfigured251029 The multifactor gets used by users actually
LastMultifactorHasToStayActivated251030 The multifactor has to stay activated because one ou has a multifactor required
NoMultifactorConfiguredOnServer251031 No multifactor is configured on the server
MultifactorCannotBeSetBecauseParentOuRequiresIt251032 No multifactor can be set by user because the parent ou requires it
NoSmartcardReaderOrCardAvailable251033 No smartcard reader available
NoCertificateOnSmartcardAvailable251034 No certificate on Smartcard
GeneralSmartcardError251035 For any general Smartcard errors
ServiceWasNotFound252001 Service could not be found
ServiceCouldNotBeStarted252002 Service could not be started
OfflineSyncMultipleErrors260001 One or more errors occured during OfflineSync
OfflineSyncImpossibleWithAutologin260002 Offline synchronization could not be executed because autologin is used
OfflineSyncImpossibleWithoutPassword260003 Offline synchronization could not be executed because no password is available
PrintNoItems270000 No items to print
CsvExportNoItems280000 No items for csv export
CsvImportNoItems280001 No items for csv export
ImportInvalidPropertyMapping280002 There are multiple assignments, which are invalid
PasswordProtectErrorAttatchNoUserAffected290000 Masking this password not concern any users
WebClientNotAllowed300000 Web access is not allowed
ServerTaskActivationNotAllowed310000 Server task must not be activated or deactivated
RdpVersionNotAvailable320000 The current RDP version (8.1 at the present time) is not available on this system
LoginStatusClientIsCurrentlyLoggingOut330000 The operation could not be executed because the client is currently logging out
MobileSyncWrongDatabase340000 Wrong database that should be synchronized
MobileSyncWrongDatabasePassword340001 Wrong password of the mobile database provided
MobileSyncNoFormularSelected340002 No form selected
MobileSyncUserRightNotGranted340003 User has no right to synchronize with mobile devices
DiscoveryServiceInvalidDomain350000 Ungültige Domain
DiscoveryServiceInvalidCredentialsForAdController350001 Ungültiges Passwort für den Domänenadministrator (Benutzername oder Passwort)
DiscoveryServiceCreadentialContainerNoUsernameField350002 Es wurde ein Passwort ohne Benutzernamens-Feld ausgewählt.
DiscoveryServiceCreadentialContainerNoPasswordField350003 Es wurde ein Passwort ohne Passwort-Feld ausgewählt.
MtoDataNotActive360000 Der Datensatz kann nicht bearbeitet werden weil der Datastate nicht auf Active steht.
MtoDataNotFound360001 Der Datensatz konnte nicht gefunden werden, (existiert nicht)
MtoDataCannotBeMovedReasonOuNotFound360002 Der Datensatz kann nicht verschoben werden, da die Ou, in welche verschoben werden soll nicht existiert.
MtoDataCannotBeMovedReasonDataNotFound360003 Der Datensatz kann nicht verschoben werden, der zu verschiebene Datensatz nicht existiert.
MtoDataCannotBeMovedReasonUserCannotBeMovedInUser360004 Der Datensatz kann nicht verschoben werden, da Benutzer nicht in Benutzer verschoben werden dürfen.
MtoDataCannotBeMovedReasonGroupCannotBeMovedInUser360005 Der Datensatz kann nicht verschoben werden, da eine Gruppe nicht in Benutzer verschoben werden dürfen.
MtoDataCannotBeMovedInOtherUser360006 Der Datensatz kann nicht in einen Benutzer verschoben werden, der nicht der angemeldete Benutzer ist.
CertificateImportIncorrectPassword370000 Ungültiges Passwort beim importieren eines Zertifikates
CertificateImportAccessDenied370001 Zugriff verweigert beim importieren eines Zertifikates. Höchstwahrscheinlich ausgelöst, weil der Benutzer, mit dem das Programm gestartet wurde nicht auf den Zertifikatstore berechtigt ist.
CertificateExportCertificateDoesNotExist370002 Das zu exportiertende Zertifikat existiert nicht mehr oder der aktuelle Benutzer darf das Zertifikat nicht exportieren.
CertificateExportCertificateNotExportable370003 Das zu exportierende Zertifikat ist nicht exportierbar.
CertificateExportUnknownError370004 Unbekannter Fehler
CredentialCheckNoPasswordReset380000 Es konnte kein CredentialCheck durchgeführt werden, weil das Passwort nicht mit einem Reset verbunden ist
CredentialCheckErrorNoUsername380001 Es konnte kein CredentialCheck durchgeführt werden, weil das Passwort kein Feld vom Typ Benutzername besitzt
CredentialCheckErrorNoPassword380002 Es konnte kein CredentialCheck durchgeführt werden, weil das Passwort kein Feld vom Typ Passwort besitzt
CredentialCheckErrorEncryptionError380003 Es konnte kein CredentialCheck durchgeführt werden, weil das Passwort nicht entschlüsselt werden konnte.
DataImageNotFound390000 Das DataImage, das geupdated werden soll, wurde nicht gefunden
DataImageNameEmpty390001 Name des DataImage ist leer
DataImageNameTooLong390002 Name des DataImage ist zu lang
DataImageSearchValueEmpty390003 Suchwert für das DataImage ist leer
DataImageSearchValueTooLong390004 Suchwert für das DataImage ist zu lang
DataImageIconTooLarge390005 Hochgeladenes Icon ist zu groß
DataImageLogoTooLarge390006 Hochgeladenes Logo ist zu groß
CredentialExchangeErrorInformOtherClientsAboutLoginStatusChange400000 Es ist ein Fehler beim informieren der anderen Clients über den eigenen Loginstatus aufgetreten.
CredentialExchangeErrorRequestCredentials400001 Es ist ein Fehler beim Anfordern der Anmeledaten aufgetreten.
CredentialExchangeErrorLoginWithCredentialData400002 Es ist ein Fehler beim Einloggen aufgetreten.
CredentialExchangeErrorCheckOtherClientsForUserLogin400003 Es ist ein Fehler beim Anfordern der aktuellen Anmeldungen von anderen Clients aufgetereten.
CredentialExchangeErrorSendCredentialDataToClient400004 Es ist ein Fehler beim Senden der Anmeldedaten an einen anderen Client aufgetreten.
CredentialExchangeErrorScanForOtherMatesoSignedClientExe400005 Es ist ein Fehler beim Scannen der Mateso signierten Prozesse aufgetreten.
CredentialExchangeErrorIsExeWithPathMatesoSigned400006 / Es ist ein Fehler beim Prüfen des Mateso Zertifikates eines Prozesses aufgetreten.
CredentialExchangeErrorInitialize400007 Es ist ein Fehler beim Starten des Services zum Anmeldedaten austauschen aufgetreten.
MobileAppOfflineDbExpired410000 The offline database is expired
MobileAppOfflineDbWrongPassword410001 The password for the offline database is wrong
SyncErrorDependency420000 A referenced data does not exist
SyncErrorForeignKeyMtoContainerBaseContainerIdCannotBeNull420100 The referenced formular of the password cannot be null
SyncErrorForeignKeyMtoContainerBaseContainerIdDoesNotExist420101 The referenced formular of the password does not exist
SyncErrorForeignKeyMtoContainerDocumentDataIdCannotBeNull420102 The referenced document data of the document cannot be null
SyncErrorForeignKeyMtoContainerDocumentDataIdDoesNotExist420103 The referenced document data of the document does not exist
SyncErrorForeignKeyMtoContainerItemBaseContainerItemIdCannotBeNull420200 The referenced formularfield of the container item cannot be null
SyncErrorForeignKeyMtoContainerItemBaseContainerItemIdDoesNotExist420201 The referenced formularfield of the container item does not exist
SyncErrorForeignKeyMtoContainerItemPolicyIdDoesNotExist420202 The referenced policy of the container item does not exist
SyncErrorForeignKeyMtoDataTagTagIdDoesNotExist420300 The referenced tag does not exist
SyncErrorForeignKeyMtoDataTagOrganisationUnitIdDoesNotExist420301 The referenced OrganisationUnitId does not exist
SyncErrorForeignKeyMtoLogbookDataIdDoesNotExist420400 The referenced data of a logbookentry does not exist
EmailVerificationUserHasNoEmail500001 Am Benutzer ist keine E-Mail-Adresse hinterlegt
EmailVerificationVerificationFailed500002 Die E-Mail-Adresse konnte nicht verifiziert werden
EmailVerificationEmailDoesntMatch500003 Die E-Mail-Adresse stimmt nicht mit der des Benutzers überein
EmailVerficiationNotVerified500004 Die E-Mail-Adresse wurde noch nicht verifiziert
EmailVerificationNonceDoesntMatch500005 Nonce stimmt nicht überein. Manipulationsversuch?
EmailVerificationSendingMailFailed500006 Senden der Verifizierungs-Mail ist fehlgeschlagen
EmailVerificationUserIsInMasterKeyMode500007 Benutzer im Master Key Modus sind bereits verifiziert
LoginTokenResetTooManyRequests520000 User wurde anhand des Benutzernamens nicht gefunden
LoginTokenResetSendingMailFailed520001 Wenn die E-Mail nicht versendet werden konnte
LoginTokenInvalid520100 Wenn es sich um ein invalides Token handelt.
LoginTokenTokenExpired520101 Wenn es sich um ein abgelaufenes Token handelt
SignatureInvalidForOption530000 Die Signatur der Option ist nicht korrekt
AuthenticationCurrentConnectionNull540000 Current Connection wurde nicht gesetzt
AuthenticationRequestUsernameNull540001 Im Request wurde der Benutzername nicht gesetzt
AuthenticationRequestInvalidType540002 Ungültiger Request Typ
AuthenticationAuthenticatiorCannotBeReset540003 Der Authenticator kann nicht zurückgesetzt werden
AuthenticationAuthenticatiorCannotBeResetByUser540004 Der Authenticator kann für den aktuellen Benutzer nicht zurückgesetzt werden
AuthenticationPasswordAuthenticatorNotConfigured540005 Es wurde für den Benutzer kein Passwort Authenticator hinterlegt
AuthenticationMultiplePasswordAuthenticatorsConfigured540006 Es wurden für den Benutzer mehrere Password Authenticators hinterlegt
AuthenticationNonExistingSession540007 Es wurde eine bestehende Sitzung erwartet, jedoch keine gefunden
AuthenticationResetLoginInvalidFactor540008 Die Authentifikation kann nicht zurückgesetzt werden, da ein ungültiger Faktor angegeben wurde (kleiner 1 oder größer 2)
AuthenticationResetLoginFirstFactorDifferentUser540009 Der erste Faktor kann nicht von einem anderen Benutzer zurückgesetzt werden
AuthenticationResetLoginFirstFactorNoConfiguredResetableFirstFactors540010 Es wurden für den ersten Faktor keine Authenticators gefunden, die zurückgesetzt werden können
AuthenticationAuthenticationImplementationMissing540011 Die übergebene Authentifikation wird am Server in der aktuellen Version nicht unterstützt
AuthenticationUserDoesNotExist540012 Der Benutzer existiert nicht
AuthenticationUserAlreadyAuthenticated540013 Der Benutzer ist bereits angemeldet
AuthenticationUnexpectedServerError540014 Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut
AuthenticationFirstFactorConfigurationOptionNotFound540015 Die Option für die Anmeldung für den Ersten Faktor wurde nicht gefunden
AuthenticationFirstFactorConfigurationOptionNotFoundInvalidServiceType540016 Es wurde ein ungültiger ServiceType angegeben, anhand von welchem die erste benötigte Anmeldung nicht abgeleitet werden kann
AuthenticationCredentialNotRequiredRequireDifferentCredential540017 Es wurden Anmeldedaten übergeben, jedoch wurden Anmeldedaten eines anderen Typs erwartet
AuthenticationCredentialNotRequiredRequiredCredentialNotFound540018 Es wurden Anmeldedaten übergeben, jedoch werden für den Benutzer keine benötigten Anmeldedaten erwartet
AuthenticationCredentialNotRequiredMultiplePossibleRequirementsForCredentialType540019 Es wurden Anmeldedaten übergeben, jedoch existieren für diesen Anmeldetyp mehrere Anmeldungen
AuthenticationConfigurationNotRequiredRequireCredential540020 Es wurde eine Konfiguration für die Anmeldung übergeben, jedoch werden Anmeldedaten erwartet
AuthenticationConfigurationNotAllowed540021 Die übergebene Konfiguration für die Anmeldung ist nicht erlaubt
AuthenticationConfigurationFirstFactorUnauthenticated540022 Die Anmeldedaten können nicht geändert werden, da zuerst die Anmeldung für den ersten Faktor bestätigt werden muss
LightUserApiNotAllowed510001 Light user are not allowed to use API function
ContainerItemIsSealed1300001 Container item is sealed and therefore cannot be decrypted
ContainerItemCouldNotBeEncrypted1300002 Container item cannot be encrypted
AlreadyAuthenticated1300003 The API is already in the authenticated state
Unauthorized1300004 Indicates that the current session state disallows the usage of that method
AuthenticatorNeedsToBeInitialized1300005 Multi-factor authenticator needs to be initialized. This cannot be done with the API.
MultiFactorAuthenticationFailed1300006 Authentication failed because the other factor doesn't match.
See Also