Password Safe Enterprise Server

System requirements

System requirements

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System requirements

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The Enterprise server should be installed on a Windows server operating system. This server can be a physical or a virtual server. Administrator rights are required for the installation and the configuration.


Operating systems:

Windows Server 2008 (32 Bit)

Windows Server 2008 R2 (64 Bit)

Windows Server 2012 (64 Bit)

Windows Server 2012 R2 (64 Bit)


For the best performance, we recommend an installation on a Windows Server 2008 32-bit.


Main memory:

The server should be operated with at least 2 GB RAM (suggested 4 GB RAM). According to working load, the main memory should be increased.



Password Safe is multicore capable. In order to allocate and utilize optimal, the server should be operated with several CPU`s (at least 2; suggested Quad Core CPU).


Hard disk storage:

The database size acts in accordance with the saved contents in the database (documents and records). An empty database has around 0,5 MB.


Network connection:

The network connection should be at least 10MBit/s (suggested 1 GBit/s)



The service only starts at a valid license file. Notice that the license file "psrX.lic" of the server must not be stored in a network share.



The Password Safe Enterprise server can be attached to an already existing server on which applications have already been installed. From around 100 users on it is suggested to use an own server for Password Safe. An installation is also possible under Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. However, we suggest a server environment for the productive use.