USB stick
Configure the USB-Stick settings for the user which have the right to export and use this feature.
Only the originator of the USB stick can log on the database
Activate this option if only the originator of the USB stick is allowed to log on the database.
Start passwords without folders when search folders are exported
If the option is active passwords will be additionally exported, which are not linked with any folder. You can find the records in the search folders, which also have to be exported.
Only copy records with export privilege on the USB stick
If this option is active only records, for which the user set the privilege "export", will be exported to the USB stick.
Use expiration date
Here you can set an expiration after a certain number of days after the setup of the USB stick, or also a general expiration date. If the USB stick, or rather the database, has expired, the user can no longer log on, but has to create a new USB stick.
USB stick can be synchronized
If this option is active changes which have been made on the USB stick can be synchronized back to the main database.
Destroy and finally delete database after expriation
Alternatively you have the possibility to destroy the database after the expiration and delete safely. ATTENTION! Hereby the database will be deleted irrevocably with the Gutmann method. A recreation of the data is not possible anymore!