Password Safe and Repository

User login (from Professional Edition on)

User login (from Professional Edition on)

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User login (from Professional Edition on)

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Password Safe offers different possibilities for the user authentication. At this there are the following different user types:


Password Safe users: These users are stored locally in Password Safe and can be in multiuser as well as in Enterprise server databases.

Active Directory users: You have got the possibility to take over users from the Active Directory. These users can then log in with their domain password.

Acitve Diretory users with PKI: Optionally users can



According to the user the logins differ in the process. The single processes are illustrated with diagrams here.


Login with Password Safe users

In a client server installation a Password Safe user is logged in as follows. The login at a multiuser database (without server) is carried out the same way. Here, however, the first client that has logged on at the database takes over the role of the server. At a singleuser database no user login is necessary.





Login with Active Directory users

At the login of users which have been taken over from the Active Directory it is authenticated towards the Active Directory. Also here at a multiuser installation the client who has connected first with the database takes over the role of the server. In singleuser databases this login process does not come up.




Login via PKI / certificate (only with module "PKI")

The login via PKI or a certificate is only possible with the accordant module. This login process only exists in Enterprise server installations.

