Password Safe and Repository



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Via the logbook you can search systematically for entries or screens. To open the screen menu you have to click on the blue arrows (in front of search). The hit list can be exported in the CSV format via the context menu (click on a record with your right mouse button). The logbook has to be activated in the database settings in order that logbook entries can be created. You can find the database settings in the menu "edit".




Do you want to know in which folder a dataset is or do you want to open that folder directly, just click on the dataset in the logbook with your right mouse button. Then select go to and the accordant folder.




Via the same context menu you can also export log entries as CSV:


Export current outlook as CSV: Exports the information from the logbook which can be seen at the moment. If you for example search for a certain user this search result is exported

Export all log entries as CSV: Exports the complete logbook




If the logbook option see/open is activated, the passwords in the lists are automatically hidden and can not be shown. In order to see passwords the dataset has to be selected explicitly.



If you exclude the administrator from the releases for folders or datasets, this data is private data and is therefore not taken in the logbook.