Password Safe and Repository

Report User Rights

Report User Rights

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Report User Rights

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There is the possibility of displaying the rights of users to individual records and folders in a report.


By right-clicking on a folder or a record and then selecting Sharing and Security, you get into the menu of the properties of the data set or folder.




Via a click on report you will receive a report of the rights of all users and groups. The rights are displayed per user.




To keep the space within the report to a minimum, the individual rights in the title bar of the report abbreviated. The abbreviations stand for the following rights:


R        -> Read

E        -> Edit

D        -> Delete

M        -> Move

P        -> Print

E        -> Export

P        -> Manage permissions



In the reports is presented, through which directly associated  group a user is authorized. Subgroups will not be shown. It is therefore possible that a user is not directly in the group, but rather in a subgroup.