Password Safe and Repository



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The integrated message system of Password Safe offers the usual functions like every email program. By means of the message system messages can be sent to individual users or groups, can be answered and finally also be forwarded. The messages are only organised within the Password Safe database, therefore a safe communication can be guaranteed. Switch to the array "messages" to get to the list outlook of the message. The "message" array is subdivided into three folders, "in-box", "transmitted messages" and "deleted messages".



In the in-box all messages you received are listed. System messages are also deposited in the in-box.


Transmitted messages:

All messages you have sent will automatically be deposited in the folder "transmitted messages".


Deleted messages:

Here all deleted messages are listed.



In the upper array of the list outlook you can access the message functions. Alternatively you can also call them up with the context menu of the list (click with your right mouse button).


btnFind Search for a message


btnRefresh Update list outlook


btnNewMail New message


btnReplyMailAnswer message


btnReplyMailAll Answer message to all


btnForwardMail forward message


btnMailGarbage Delay message to the recycle bin


btnMailDelete Finally delete message



In the below array of the list outlook you can change between the "preview" of the message and the "affixes/files".

