Password Safe and Repository

Import users and groups

Import users and groups

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Import users and groups

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Über die Option Rechteverwaltung importieren können Sie Benutzer und Gruppen aus einer Password Safe Datenbank in eine andere übertragen. Der Import-Assistenten bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit Benutzer, Gruppen oder beides zu importieren.


Via the option import users and groups you can transfer users and groups from one Password Safe database to another. The Import Wizard allows you to import users, groups, or both.




Select the file to import.




Now follow the wizard. Other settings are not required. The users and groups are imported, including the user rights.



Only the user rights will be imported. Rights to folders and records can not be taken over, as they belong to the appropriate record and therefore have no connection to the users. An import, including the relevant records, folders and related rights is possible via the restore of a backup in *.psx format a new database.