Password Safe and Repository

Quick access

Quick access

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Quick access

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In the array "quick access" you can configure and adapt the quick access bars. In the upper array you can define the transparency of the bar. The changes immediately effect the bar, that means you can leave the bar opened during the configuration and do not have to close it.


Automatically create application link when starting passwords

If a password (record) is started with a filled URL the application will be automatically linked. So the record will already be selected when opening the internet page in quick access. Note that this is not about a automatic entry.


Automatically select record at the change in the list outlook

At the opened quick access bar and the navigation in the password list the quick access bar will be automatically updated and the selected record will be loaded from the password list.


Recreate window status and position when opening or unlocking

When starting Password Safe or re-open the quick access or the quick access bar it will be displayed at the position recently used.


Recreate data when opening the quick access

When opening the quick access or the quick access bar the data of the recently chosen record will be displayed again.


Quick access bar

You can also "flatten" the quick access bar in the functional range or rather deactivate functions not used. Through this the quick access bar is also shortened