Password Safe and Repository



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Via this option you can let datasets be locked automatically (in intervals). This makes for example sense if you want to realize that a dataset is only unlocked for a certain time.




After the reason for the locking has been stated you can select a locking template. Afterwards you define what happens to datasets which already had a locking:


Lock again with locking template: The datasets are locked with the selected template. No matter which locking has been used before.

Lock again with recent locking: The datasets are locked the same way they already where locked, no matter what the template may be.

Not consider formerly locked datasets: There is no locking.


It can also be stated for how long formerly locked datasets should remain unlocked. So you can give employees that have unlocked a dataset enough time to edit the dataset.


In the folder filter you define in order to conclude, to which folders (possibly including all subfolders) the task should refer.