Password Safe and Repository



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The structure of the workflow system has consciously been designed preferably open in order to cover as many use cases as possible. Due to this reams of scenarios can be mapped. However, this causes that not all possible workflows make sense. Via some combinations you can lock yourself out of some parts of Password Safe! Therefore please keep in mind before you create a workflow which effects it will have. We are pleased to offer you courses of instruction in order to get to know the workflow system better. For this please contact per e-mail:


Critical workflows

Before manage workflow with dialogue with option end after workflow

This workflow would avoid the opening of the workflow system!


Before maximizing from the systemtray with dialogue with the option close workflow

Password Safe could no longer be maximized!


After internal mail with the action internal mail with each the same user

This workflow causes an infinite loop  which generates an endless amount of messages!


After user login with the aciton several-eyes-principle with only one user being provided for the consent

The provided user can no longer log in because he/she cannot give himself/herself a consent. Especially critical in combination with the administrator!