Password Safe Enterprise Server



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As soon as you create a database at the server an accordant RSA Key will be automatically created. It hast he file ending *.prvkey. You define the memory location of that file yourself at the creation of the database.


For what is the RSA key needed?

The RSA key is needed to decrypt future backups of the database when they are restored.


Which name should the RSA key have?

You can name the file however you want. The name of the database is suggested by default. It is important that you can assign the RSA key to the accordant database. Furthermore it makes sense to integrate a date to the file name.


Where should the RSA key be filed?

It is suggested to store the RSA key in an own directory (the best would be on an own computer). Make an additional copy on a CD, a USB stick or another safe medium of your choice, which you then ideally put into the company`s safe.


Why should the RSA key not lie with the database?

If the RSA lies in one directory with the database and that directory is accidentally deleted, you cannot restore the backups. Therefore you should always store the RSA key separated from the database.


Why should the RSA key be stored in the company`s safe?

This key file is required for the decryption of the backup at the restoration. Without that file the backup cannot be restored. Alternatively you can also deposit these data outside, e.g. at a notary or at a bank for the case of emergency.


How to act in the case of a loss of the RSA key?

In the case of a loss of the RSA key please contact the support. In general a valid database connection has to exist





