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Convert older applications

Convert older applications

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Convert older applications

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Since the applications in Password Safe version 6 have been completely worked over existing applications from older versions have to be converted. You can find an automatic convert function under extras -> administration -> convert application.


If the automatic login should not work with some applications you have to re-configure them manually, or update them.


To do so open the application menu via edit -> manage applications. Do a double click on the desired application. In this case Facebook.




In the following window please choose the tab data link.




Please choose fill in form fields here and click on edit afterwards. The window for allocating fields opens




In this window the fields from the Password Safe datasets are assigned to accordant fields of the website. The most fields can be assigned automatically. In the field list on the left side you can see by the green check marks which fields have already been assigned. The red cross signalizes that the allocation has not been made yet. Furthermore you will be shown by markings in terms of color how the allocation has been made. The user name in the left column has for example been assigned to the field email.  Both fields have a blue background. The field form click (which causes a mouse click) could not be assigned in this example, because two fields come into consideration on the website. In order to allocate this field just drag the field form click to the button login. In the field list this field will be marked with a green check mark as well.




In order to complete you need to click on save. The application is now converted for version 6.