Password Safe and Repository

Single password generator

Single password generator

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Single password generator

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Via the menu item extras you get to the single password generator. It offers you the possibility to create safe passwords easily and quickly.




If you select create password according to own criteria, you can create the password manually or automatically. In the array general you can define the criteria for the new passwords.

If you select the option create passwords according to password guidelines, the manual creation is not possible. Here always the password guideline which has been configured under edit -> general settings -> guideline for the database password.Pronounceable passwords can be created using Create phonetic password. You can define how many syllables and letters they should contain.


Manual creation of passwords

First of all click into the colored field of the password generator. This now starts to jitter, which creates a high amount of random data. Now move the mouse pointer over this field. Password Safe now collects data and creates a password out of it. You can directly see the progress as well as the current safety.



Automatic creation of passwords

In order to create a password manually, just click on generate. The created password will directly be shown to you.



Password analysis

With a click on carry out password analysis you receive detailed information about the safety of the created password. Of course you can also directly enter a password into the field for the analysis.

