Password Safe and Repository



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With the sealing function you can seal datasets. So a user has no longer direct access on the data but first has to break the seal. According to the setup the user has to receive a certain amount of unblocking to do so. This principle is called four-eyes principle and can be configured at the setup of a seal. All sealing actions will be recorded in the logbook (in case it is activated). Via the context menu or the "sealing messages" you can access the sealing options, like for example the unblocking.


Seals can also be set via the workflow. So you have for example the possibility to protect all new passwords automatically in a folder. You can find further information on that under the following links:


General information on the workflow system:Workflow Management

Example for the automatic sealing via a workflow: Workflow examples



Seals can not be broken or edited in the Offline Mode