Password Safe and Repository

Workflow management

Workflow management

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Workflow management

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If the standard functions of Password Safe should not be enough for a use case, you can access the workflow system. It offers the possibility to automate operations in order to fit Password Safe to your personal desires.


The system consists of events and actions which are linked with each other in a way that an event causes a certain action. An event is caused by a user and can for example be the opening of a certain dataset. Every time an event is carried out by a user, the workflow system starts the configured action, for example the sending of a message.


A workflow is required if the standard functions of Password Safe are not enough.


You can find the workflow system under the main menu item edit.


In the left half of the workflow configuration you can find all events, while you can find the available actions in the right half.







The structure of the workflow system has been deliberately designed very open in order to cover as many use cases as possible. Through this a lot of scenarios can be mapped. However, this brings about that not all possible workflows are reasonable. Via some combinations you can lock yourself out of parts of Password Safe! The combination of "edit before workflow" and "dialogue" with the setting "close workflow after dialogue" for example effects that you can no longer open the workflow system. The combination of the event "after internal mail" with the action "internal mail" each with the same user for example effects and infinite loop in which infinitely many messages are generated. Therefore please consider before creating a workflow which effects it will have. We are pleased to offer you training courses in order to get to know the workflow system better. For this please address: