Password Safe and Repository

Filter function

Filter function

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Filter function

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Via the main menu item edit and a click afterwards on manage workflow you get to the configuration menu of the workflow system.

Event and action filter

Since the workflow system contains a lot of events and actions you have got the possibility to set filters. In order to make a preselection within the available events and actions you can find a filter function after a click on the navigate_down2. This enables to display the events and/or actions selectively. Do you for example want to sound out events which contain the item "password" and actions which send messages, just enter "password" in the field event filter and "mail" in the field action filter and click on use filter afterwards. Now you receive the following outlook:




User/group filter

Every workflow can be assigned to one or several user(s) and/or group(s). (More on that under start workflow. You have the possibility to filter the workflows in a way that only those action which have been assigned to users or groups are displayed. For this the following push-buttons are available:


user1_add        To this the following dialogue window on adding users and/or groups was opened




user1_delete        Deletes the marked users from the selection

users4_delete        Deletes all users and groups from the selection


The user/group filter can also be helpful when starting workflows, because all newly created workflows are automatically assigned to the selected users. In the chapter start workflow this is described detailed.