Password Safe and Repository

Check password guidelines

Check password guidelines

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Check password guidelines

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By right-clicking with the mouse on a folder, you can select the menu option Check password guidelines. The following dialogue screen opens:


After clicking on , initially select the relevant password guidelines with which the records in this folder should be compared. If the records in the subfolder should also be checked, you can enter the relevant check mark in the bottom left.


Only those records will be displayed that do not fulfil the password guidelines.

Under Fulfilled to, you will find out the percent to which the guidelines are fulfilled.

The column Info shows you which criteria are not fulfilled. It could be e.g. too few characters have been used or the password has too few safety points because, for example, no special characters have been used.

Under Points, you can see how many safety points the password currently achieves

The column Length shows how many characters are used in the password.


By clicking on the button Report, you can print out the report created.