Password Safe and Repository

Export / import forms

Export / import forms

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Export / import forms

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In order to use self-created forms in several databases you have got the possibility to export or import forms. To do so just open the form management via edit -> manage forms. By clicking on one of the forms with your right mouse button afterwards a context menu opens in which you find the options for export or import.



Export forms

For export just mark the desired forms (multiple choice is possible) and then select export in the context menu. The data is saved in the format *.xml.



Import forms

For the import of forms select the item import forms via the context menu. Afterwards select the accordant *.xml file.



If you should want to import a form which already exists in the database you will be asked if you want to overwrite, add again or ignore the existing form.




Please notice that if you choose add again two forms with the same name are in the database. In this case it is advisable to rename one of the forms. If you click on overwrite the old form is overwritten irrevocably. Via ignore you achieve that the accordant form is not imported.