Password Safe and Repository

New start of a dataset

New start of a dataset

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New start of a dataset

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In this example a new dataset is started in Password Safe and is linked with a website and an application.


Via document_add the dialogue for starting a new dataset is opened.




After the data has been entered a click on links is made. Here you can see that the dataset has no links. A click on add link  is made. Then a request appears to save the new dataset. This is made directly in the message box with a click on yes.




In the following context menu capture browser is selected




The window for the allocation of fields from web forms opens:




In this window Password Safe opens the website which has been deposited in the dataset. Since there is no login window on this page the fields can not be allocated automatically. Via a click on login you are directly navigated to the accordant page in the integrated browser:




Via a click on analyse Password Safe scanns the current website. The appropriate fields in the login mask are found and allocated accordingly. The allocation will be displayed with colored markings.




Concluding a click on save is made. The dataset is now captured including the necessary application. At the next visit of the website the login data will be enterd automatically.




You can find further information on that example under the following links


Install browser addons

Add datasets