Password Safe and Repository

Windows application

Windows application

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Windows application

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In this example it is demonstrated how a Windows application is started with a .htaccess window.


Via document_add the dialogue will be opened for the start of a new dataset.




After the entry of the data the desired website will be called up in the Internet Explorer. Since the page is protected the following Windows login window appears:




In Password Safe it is now clicked on links -> add link -> capture application.

You will be asked to choose the application, afterwards click on the login dialogue:






Stay in the login window for 3 seconds. Afterwards the window controls opens, which shows the login window for allocation:




Per Drag and Drop the fields can now be allocated. At this a context menu appears in which you need to choose edit.

After the fields have been allocated, the process will be completed with save.




You can find further information on this example under the following links


Add dataset
