Password Safe and Repository



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By means of the folders (categories) you can map your own data format in Password Safe. Every folder can take on different functions. There are for example folders for TAN management, HTML pages, forms and finally search folders (e.g. all passwords). According to the folder function chosen other functions and ways of entry are available.


To record datasets (e.g. passwords, TAN blocks, etc.), you have to start an appropriate folder first of all, which contains the accordant records. Data is basically in the folder designed for it. Without folders no records can be filed in the database.



Notice rights:

In order that a user can see a folder, he needs at least the privilege to "read" for that folder. If the folder is in a branched structure as a subfolder, the user needs the right to read on all containing folders as well. Folders can only be started if the user has got "edit" right on the folder.