Password Safe and Repository



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In the array password you can define the password guidelines and policies yourself. According to the configured criteria the password will be created and also tested if it conforms to the guidelines and can therefore be used. In the array below you can define which characters the "password generator" should use. With these settings absolutely safe and unbreakable passwords can be generated.




Here you have got the possibility to create one password guideline for new databases as well as one for administration passwords. At the first start already two standard guidelines are predefined, which can be changed with a click on the accordant key symbol. Under the tab general you define name, description as well as the guideline yourself. Furthermore symbols can be excluded here.





Under the tab exclusion list you can state words which must not be used in passwords. Besides you have got the possibility here, to export or import already created lists in the format *.csv. You can also download a list of commonly used passwords.  For this use buttons marked in the screenshot.




What are safety points?

The safety points reflect the complexity of a password. If numbers, small and capital letters and special characters are used in a password it is quite complex and therefore receives the required safety points more quickly. The safety points are calculated for every password, at this also redundancies and direct repeats are considered. So it can be made sure that the passwords are saved complex enough.