Password Safe and Repository

Wildcard character

Wildcard character

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Wildcard character

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In the dynamic windows of the workflow allocation you can find the so-called wildcard characters in the right half of the window. These vary according to the action. Wildcard characters can appear in the options of an action as well as in the conditions.


Wildcard characters in the options of an action

If you have assigned an action to an event in the workflow system configurations a dynamic window opens. Besides the tab condition this also contains a tab which carries the name of the action and is active when the window appears. Under this tab you define the options of the action. In the left half you can find different fields, in the right half the available wildcard characters stand. You can drag the wildcard characters to the individual fields per Drag and Drop. When the action is carried out the wildcard characters are replaced by predefined values.


The following wildcard characters can appear (according to the event):


Event group: Applications


Event group: Task

From user                -> is replaced by the name of the user who carries out the workflow

Status                        -> describes the status of the task

Subject                        -> describes the subject of the task


Event group: Manages user and groups

From user                -> describes which user has activated the workflow


Event group: Database settings

From user                -> describes which user has activated the workflow


Event group: Import and export


Event group: Internal mails

Addressee                -> names the addressee of the mail sent in the workflow

Mail subject                -> names the subject of the mail sent in the workflow

Mail text                -> gives the text of the mail sent in the workflow


Event groupt: Logbook

Event                        -> names the event from the logbook

Dataset type                -> names the type of dataset

Dataset                            -> names the dataset

Created on                -> names the date on which a dataset has been created

Created by                -> names the user that has created a dataset

Originator email                -> names the email address of the originator of a dataset

IP address                -> names the IP address from which a dataset has been changed or created

Computer user          -> names the user with which a user is logged in at a dataset

Computer name                -> gives the name of a computer

Description                -> gives the description of a dataset


Event group: Password

Password                -> names the password concerned in the workflow. This link can be used to search in the client in order to directly access the record. Under <a href="{Password}">Open Password</a>, you receive a link with the text "Open Password" that can be directly executed.

In folder name                -> names the folder in which the password concerned in the workflow exists. Folder is defined with its name.

In folder                -> names the folder in which the password concerned in the workflow exists. Folder is defined with an internal ID.

From user                -> is replaced by the name of the user that carries out the workflow. The user is identified with an ID.

User name                -> is replaced by the name of the user that carries out the workflow. User is identified with the name.

Created by                -> names the user that has created the password.

Originator email                -> names the email address of the originator of the password


Event group: Password folder

From user                -> is replaced by the name of the user that carries out the workflow. The user is identified with an ID

From folder name        -> Gives the name of the folder. Folder is identified with the name.

From folder                -> Gives the name of the folder. Folder is identified with its ID

Original folder name        -> names the original folder (e.g. when moving). Folder is identified with the name

Original folder                    -> names the original folder (e.g. when moving). Folder is identified with the ID

Created by                -> names the user that has created the password

Originator email                -> names the email address of the originator of the password



Event group: Seal

Seal broken by          -> names the user who has broken the seal

Seal description        -> Gives the seal description

Reason                -> gives the reason which has been registered at the breaking of the seal


Event group: system

Host name                -> gives the host name of the RDP connection

Server IP                -> gives the IP of the RDP connection

Domain                        -> gives the IP address of the RDP connection

User                      -> names the user

From user                -> says which user has required an authorization

Connection time                -> gives the duration time of the RDP connection

Required right            -> names the required right


Event group: Workflow system

User                    -> names the user who has activated the workflow