Password Safe and Repository

Restricitve users

Restricitve users

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Restricitve users

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In Password Safe users can be configured as so called "restrictive" users. Restrictive users can not see protected data (e.g. passwords) and not manage/edit them. Also functions like the automatic password entry, hotkey`s or for example the detail array are deactivated. The restrictive users can only build up structures and manage "rights and permissions".


Example of use:

The restrictive user can for example be used as a revision user because he/she can not read out protected data. According to the configuration of rights some "restricted" users can be created, according to the use case.


Which functions are available to the restrictive user:

Managing of "sharing and security" of all records (according to the configuration of rights)

Starting and managing new folder structures

Task and message management system



According to the configuration the restrictive user can be given certain rights. For the restrictive user we suggest the following rights:

User may change the database settings

User may manage users and groups (rights) (suggested)

User may change the main password

User may change the PUK

User may export backups

User may import backups

User may manage the logbook (suggested)

User may copy databases

User may change the database password rules

User may change the seal notifications

User may manage the Auto Backup feature

User may manage applications

User may manage forms

User may manage label

User may use the USB-Stick feature

User may manage the Auto-Login function

User may use the Remote Desktop connection

User may manage the active user list

User may export records in list (XML data exchange)

User may import records in list (XML data exchange)


Several restrictive users can be created with different rights to map different scenario of the revision.




You can get information on the configuration of the restrictive user under "Manage users and groups".



In order that the restrictive user can manage the rights he/she has to own the right "Manage permissions". We suggest to include the restrictive user to the group "administrators". Hereby the restrictive user automatically has the right to manage permissions. Alternatively you can also carry out the giving away of rights manually.