Password Safe and Repository

Require to unseal

Require to unseal

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Require to unseal

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If a dataset has been sealed it can not be seen by users. If the data of the record are required the seal must be broken first. At the setup of the "four-eyes principle" an unblocking must be requested first. Via the unblocking overview the user can request an unblocking for breaking the seal. Via a double click on the dataset the sealing options open.





After the confirmation of the button break seal the window for breaking the seal opens. Here you can require the releases from other users in order that the seal can be broken with enough releases. In order to require the releases click on the button require releases.




Afterwards the release overview opens in which you have to enter the reason for the release. In the upper array it will be shown to you how many of the required releases have already been given:


In this example there is no release given from the three necessary users. (0/3)

Furthermore you can find a list of all users at whom you can require releases. The "reddish" marked users have to agree. In this example it is Mr. Anderson. The missing releases can be given by any "yellow" marked users. Via a click with the right mouse button in the user list you can also select or deselect all users.





If an unblocking has been requested you can see the current status of the unblockings in the overview. With a double click you can get further information on the unblocking, for example the reason for the acceptance or the refusal.

If the releases have been given you will be informed via a system message. Afterwards do a double click on the dataset again and then the window break dataset seal appears on break seal




After you have entered a comment you can break the seal and therefore access the dataset. Via the tab releases you have an overview of the stauts of the releases. A double click on the release opens the release overview for a detailed outlook.




As soon as the seal is broken you can open the dataset. Please notice that only the user who has broken the seal is authorized to open the dataset.