Password Safe and Repository

Sealing templates

Sealing templates

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Sealing templates

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You can also create so-called sealing templates. You can find the accordant menu under edit -> manage sealing templates. When you seal a dataset you also have got the possibility to save the seal as a template. To do so click in the menu dataset seal on the accordant button: 




Via both ways you get to new sealing template in which all necessary settings can be made. Directly in the first tab you can give the sealing template a name and describe it more detailed.




Under the tab edit seal you define which users or user groups have got the right to edit the sealing template.




With a click on the tab permissions you can define which persons or groups are allowed to give necessary releases for this dataset, in order that the seal can be broken.




Via the button add release you can select the required release from the existing ones.




Under the tab light seal you can define which users or groups are allowed to edit the dataset behind the seal, without breaking the seal before.




If you want to define who is informed about changes at the seal or at release requests, you can do that under the tab notify.





Use sealing template

After you have created a seal template you can use it easily and uncomplicated on a dataset. To do so click on a dataset with your right mouse button and afterwards click on seal. The following dialogue opens




Click here on the marked push-button to choose a seal template. You can also use the seal templates in the workflow system. You can find further information on that udner the following links:


General information on the workflow system: workflow management

Information on the automatic sealing via a workflow: Workflow examples