Password Safe and Repository

Detail area

Detail area

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Detail area

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In the detail area different information on the selected record are displayed. With a click on an accordant button below you can change between the detail areas. Every area offers another functionality.



In the detail area comments any notes can be deposited to the record. You can enter the comments under "edit dataset".






The preview area shows the data of the selected entry. With a click on the blue arrow the different functionalities are displayed, according to the type of area (password, e-mail, text, etc.). All areas can be dragged into any areas via Drag&Drop (left mouse button pushed).






In the history you can see which changes have been made when and who made these changes. Red gives an account of the old condition and blue gives an account of the new condition. You can call up an exact history as well as the reset of the record via the context menu (click on record with the right mouse button -> history).






When the logbook has been activated via the database settings you can see very detailed here, who did what and when with the dataset.





In the detail area affix/documents you can link documents with a record or also add new documents. Furthermore you can start, run and edit a document directly out of the list.





Locked detail area:

If the logbook is activated the detail array is locked in order to avoid that users can see data without this being registered in the logbook. In this case you find the following symbol in the detail array: eye A click on it allows you to show the information. At this the access is registered in the logbook.

