SMTP mail (reports)
In the task SMTP mail you can find the following menu in the settings:
Host name: Enter the name of the mail server here
Port: Port of the mail server
Sender: E-mail address of the sender
Recipient: E-mail address of the recipient
Authentication: Select standard, none oder SASL here, according to the configuration of your mail server
User: User with which it should be logged in at the mail server
Password: User password for the login at the mail server
Subject: Subject in the e-mail that should be sent
E-mail: Here you can enter the text of the e-mail that should be sent. Via the pushbutton HTML reports you can also integrate different reports to the e-mail:
According to the desired report different variables are taken on the e-mail:
Broken seals: {Rep:BrockenSealsHTML}
Expired passwords: {Rep:ExpiredPasswordsHTML}
Soon expiring passwords: {Rep:ExpiresPasswordsHTML}
Password logbook entries: {Rep:PasswordLogsHTML}5{/Rep:PasswordLogsHTML} (example: report for 5 days)
Password logbook entries: {Rep:PasswordLogsHTML}
Database overview: {Rep:DatabaseOverviewHTML}
Quality check of passwords: {Rep:PoliciesReportHTML}[1];[2];[3];[4]{/Rep:PoliciesReportHTML}
The parameters stand here for:
[1] = Folder ID
[2] = Password guideline ID
[3] = Take into account subfolder using the format 1 or 0 (1=Yes, 0=No)
[4] = Also show passwords that correspond to the guidelines? (Format: 1 for Yes, 0 for No)
The variable can of course also be combined with a free text. You can find further information under the example examplel SMTP mail.