Password Safe and Repository



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The document management can physically take files and applications into the database and therefore safely encrypt them. The document management system (DMS) integrated in Password Safe is very multifunctional, comfortable and besides complex workflows can be mapped, like for example the automatic mounting and dismounting of of drives before a document is swapped or executed. The parameter passing function makes it possible to already pass on information to the applications at the boot, therefore a program can already be automated at the boot. Furthermore the document management system offers an integrated history function and of course documents can be restrained from unauthorized access within a database via privilege setup (unblocking and safety).


An overview of the features of the document management system:

Access safety of the documents due to the allocation of privileges including logging in the logbook

Distinguishable types of documents including automatic allocation to application programs (e.g. Word, Excel, PDF, etc.)

Adaptable archive structure due to the the folder system

Adaptable meta data due to any amount of own arrays

Version control due to recoverable history

From-bin transfer to an directories including automatic restoring at a change and following safe deleting according to the Gutmann method.

Run applications out of Password Safe, including any parameters. The embedding of an application in the database is also possible (e.g. remote maintenance client)

Connectable with records (passwords, TAN blocks, messages, tasks,...)

Hold-file of documents via the message system

Document type "Link" can be linked with any files on the hard disk, FTP or also HTTP, and can directly be called up.

and much more


Switch to "documents" in the left array to get to the list outlook of the documents. Via the buttons in the upper array as well as via the context menu (click with your right mouse button in the list array) you can add, edit new documents and call up further functions like the privilege and unblocking setup as well as the history.


btnFind Search document


btnRefresh Update list outlook


btnAddDocumentAdd document


btnEditDocumentEdit document


btnDeleteDocument Delete document


btnOpenDocumentExecute or open document


btnOpenDocumentWriteable Open document for editing


btnDocumentSafeAsSave document under...


btnClipboardLink Copy link to the clipboard


btnClipboardDelete Clear clipboard


btnRights Unblocking and safety (set up privileges)




btnDocumentPreferences settings