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Password Safe offers several possibilites to search for records and folders. To user should always have quick access to the desired record or also folder.


Global search

Use this search to quickly search for a record.

You can find information on the global search under "global search".



Search for a folder with the "folder quick search"

If you want to search for a folder you should use this kind of searching.

You can find information on that search under "folder quick search".



Quick search in the list

If you search a record within a list the quick search, which offers nearly every list within Password Safe, is the right choice.

You can find information on the quick search under "quick search".



Search folders

Search folders are special folders which can display certain record amounts according to the setup (all passwords, favourites, own screen).

You can find information on search folders under "search folders".



Extended search

With the extended search you can search for every records. With this search you can only browse certain folders and considerably cut down the result with many setup possibilities.

You can find information on the extended search under "extended search".